Spear Technologies is a core systems development firm for the property & casualty insurance sector, launched by experienced insurance industry executives. Spear’s platform is the first in the P&C sector to take advantage of the Microsoft Power Platform’s exceptional capabilities. Its debut product, SpearClaims, is the first core system built on this platform, bringing a new level of performance with all the features required for claims administration across all insurance lines. Following that will be SpearPolicy and SpearBilling. The property and casualty insurance industry has been waiting a long time for the next great technological breakthrough. That’s why industry professionals developed Spear Technologies: to enable insurers to swiftly and effectively modify and personalize their systems without expensive IT initiatives, dependency on third parties, or upgrade delays. SpearClaims, Spear Technologies’ initial product, is the first core system built on this platform, bringing a new level of performance with all the features required for claims administration across all lines of insurance. SpearClaims is a multi-line claims administration system designed by industry professionals that covers anything from multi-jurisdiction workers compensation to commercial and personal cars to property and even homeowners.
Apart from the standard capabilities of adding new data items to your system, Spear enables the customer organization to respond instantly to nearly any business requirement that diverse stakeholders may want. Add additional fields, pages, and even develop new modules and subsystems without the delays that consumers are accustomed to. SpearClaims is an AI-First Claims System that focuses on Process Automation, Cognitive Insight, and Cognitive Engagement. The company’s Process Automation assists with typical back-office chores to accomplish straight-through claim processing. Cognitive Insight from the firm aids Machine Learning, which is used to detect fraud, forecast disputed claims, estimate reserves/settlements, and make other choices that need predictive analysis. The company fosters a data-driven culture and empowers team members to unearth insights hidden in client data. SpearClaims delivers the tools that will allow important decisionmakers to accomplish their jobs rather than wasting time trying to find what they need. Additional policy administration and billing solutions are on the way.
Customers may become more agile throughout their business by swiftly upgrading processes and solving difficulties with the Spear Technologies platform and products. The company assists clients in building and launching their solutions by utilizing pre-built templates, drag-and-drop simplicity, and speedy deployment, allowing them to roll out continual upgrades as needed. “Our team seamlessly extend app capability with the Microsoft Power Platform, and custom connections to proprietary or on-premises systems” says Jose Tribuzio, Co-founder and CEO, Spear Technologies.Spear’s usage of the Microsoft Power Platform provides the industry’s most extensive use of minimal code development. Customers may now guide the customization of your system without relying on vendors or overburdened IT employees. They have access to cutting-edge technology. With Spear and the incorporation of low code development, customers can: Create software through graphical user interfaces and configuration instead of traditional computer programming, Make changes without re-writing code, Reduce the amount of traditional hand-coding, for accelerated development, etc.
Spear Technologies is reshaping the world of property and casualty insurance enterprise systems with the first apps that leverage the Microsoft Power Platform’s capabilities. By using the capabilities of the Microsoft ecosystem, Spear breaks the loop of reliance on suppliers and outdated systems, providing insurers choice over customization and efficiency.